Abbreviations for Apparel Merchandising
Merchandising is an important part of the Apparel industry. It is directly involved with the garments manufacturing business. So this department has s many reporting and documentation tasks. There are so many short forms of words or sentences or Abbreviations for Apparel Merchandising that have been used over the years. Here we put as many as possible on our list. This requires both verbal and mail communication. Here I present over 120 Common Abbreviations for Apparel Merchandising.
Time is very fast in this era. Knowing abbreviations helps us to understand anything quickly and save time. We are focusing here on very small things in shortcuts.

120 Very Commonly Used Abbreviations for Apparel Merchandising
- A/W- Autumn/Winter
- Acc.- Accessories
- Approx.- Approximate
- Art.- Article
- ASAP-As Soon As Possible
- Asst.-Assistant
- Attn.- Attention
- Avg.-Average
- BBL/C- Back-to-Back L/C
- Bcc.- Blind courtesy copy
- BL-Body Length
- BOM- Bill of Material
- Bus.- Business
- C and F- Cost and Freight.
- C. D. S- Count Data System.
- C.B.C- Carpet Batching Cloth.
- C.B.L- Center Back Line
- C.c.- Courtesy copy
- C.E- Cleaning Efficiency.
- C.F.L.- Center Front Line.
- C.I.F- Cost of Insurance and Freight.
- C.M.C- Carboxyl Methyl Cellulose.
- C.M.O.- Cost of Making Order.
- C.M.S.- Carboxyl Methyl Starch.
- C.M.T.- Cost of Making with Trimming.
- C.P.I- Course Per Inch.
- C.P.M- Course Per Meter.
- CA#-CA (Canadian) Identification Number
- CB-Center Back
- CBL-Center Back Length
- CF-Center Front
- CFL-Center Front Length
- CFR-Cost and Freight
- CIF-Cost Insurance and Freight
- CM-Cut and Make
- Cml.-Commercial
- CMT-Cut Make and Trim
- Con.-Consumption
- Corp.-Corporation
- Dept.-Department
- e.g.-for example
- ETA-Estimated Time of Arrival
- etc.-and so forth
- ETD-Estimated Time of Departure
- exp.-Express
- F/W-Fall/Winter
- Fab.-Fabric
- Fig.-Figure
- FOA-Free on Air
- FOB-Free of Board
- FOB-Free on Board/Freight on Board
- FOC- Free of Charge/ Cost.
- FPP-Full Package Program
- FPT – Fabrics performance test
- FPT-Fabric Performance Test
- FW-Fabric Width
- Fwd.-Forward
- GMT-Garment
- GPA-Garment Purchase Agreement
- GPT-Garment Performance Test
- GSM-Gram per Sq. Mtr
- GSP-Generalized System of Preference
- GW- Gross Weight
- HPP-Half Package program
- HPS-High Point Shoulder
- IC- Inspection Certificate
- i.e. -that is
- I/O-Instead of
- Inc.-Incorporation
- Incl.-Including
- Inst.-Instant
- Inv. -Invoice
- Invt.-Inventory
- Jp.-Junior Petite
- Jr. -Junior
- L/C-Letter of Credit
- L/D-Lab dip
- Lbs.-Pound
- MOQ-Minimum Order Quantity
- Mp.-Misses Petite
- MPD-Meter Per Dozen
- NW- Net Weight
- OZ-Ounce per Sq. Yd
- Oz.-Ounce
- P/I-Pro-forma Invoice
- PDM- Product data management
- PL-Packing list
- PLM-Product Life-Cycle Management
- PND-Pattern Design
- PO -Purchase Order
- POM-Point of Measurement
- POS-Point of Sales
- PP-Pre production
- PPM-Preproduction Meeting
- PPS-Preproduction Sample
- Px.-Price
- QR-Quick Response
- Qty.- Quantity
- RMG-Ready-Made Garment
- RN-Registered Identification Number
- S/B-Should be
- S/S-Spring/Summer
- SKU-Stock Keeping Unit
- SL -Sleeve Length
- Slv.-Sleeve
- SMS-Sales Men Sample
- SOP-Standard Operating Procedure
- Spec.-Specification
- Sr.-Senior
- SS-Side Seam/ Short Sleeve
- Std.-Standard
- TNA- Time and Action
- TC-Top Center
- Tech-Pack-Technical Package
- TOP-Top of Production
- Ttl.-Total
- UPC-Universal Product Code
- Vol.-Volume
- WB-Waist Band
- Wk.-Week
- WPL-Wool Products Labeling
- YPD-Yard Per Dozen
If you are working in merchandising in the apparel Industry or any other department, this article would help us. Here we mentioned over 120 Common Abbreviations for Apparel Merchandising.
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