
10 Properties of Sewing Thread Used for Clothing

10 Properties of Sewing Thread Used for Clothing Different types of yarn, regardless of fiber, that is for hand or machine sewing. It is treated with solid or semi-solid waxy materials to secure a smooth, compact strand that is quite flexible but presents no loose fibers. The yarn is usually plied. Sewing thread is the main trim[…]

Interlining in Garments; Types, Advantages, Disadvantages of Interlining

Interlining in Garments | Types, Advantages, and Disadvantages of Interlining Interlining in Garments A piece of fabric used in between two plies of fabric of a garment component to increase the attractiveness, shape, and strength of that component is called interlining. It is one of the trims used in the garments industry. The materials used for[…]

Role of Professionals in the Textile and Apparel Industry

Role of Professionals in the Textile and Apparel Industry Textile and Apparel professionals are individuals employed in the apparel business. They are involved in the development, selection, production, presentation, sales & management of apparel. Apparel professionals have many different roles in making decisions that make garments serviceable, saleable, producible, and profitable. In this article, we present[…]

What is the Acid Wash and Caustic Wash in Garments Industry?

What is the Acid Wash and Caustic Wash in the Garments Industry Washing Process Among all types of garment washing processes; Acid Wash and Caustic Wash are the most important for denim jeans. In this article, we discuss What is the Acid Wash and Caustic Wash in the Garments Industry Washing Process. Acid Wash and[…]

What is Automatic J Stitch Sewing Machine and Its Features

What is the Automatic J Stitch Sewing Machine and Its Features In the garment sector, every operation has a different type of sewing machine. Now the garment industry is growing day by day. So the reason machine is updated & added to garments industry. New technology helps us save time & money. Modern machines operate[…]

Technology Impact on Apparel Retailing: An Overview

Technology Impact on Apparel Retailing Life is too short to wear boring clothes. The relationship between technology and fashion is scaling to new heights. Every apparel industry is accountable for designing and manufacturing new clothing with new technologies to obtain a mark in the minds of people. In this article, we present an overview of the Technology Impact on[…]

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