Case Study on FastReact Planning Software Application in the Apparel Industry
FastReact is a popular Planning and control software for Textile and Apparel, used widely all over the world. Garment manufacturers use this application to reduce complexity and smooth the supply chain process. FastReact software has been introduced in ‘Panam Group’, I did a case study on the Application of FastReact planning software in ‘Panam Group’ factories. Here I am writing about ‘Panam Group’, how they introduced it, the application process, its impact, and its use in the Apparel industry.

1. Company Overview:
‘Panam Group’ is a very prominent name in the knitwear industry, 100% export-oriented composite factory of Bangladesh. ‘Panam Group’ is a most sophisticated plant equipped with highly modern machines mostly imported from Germany, USA, Sweden, Japan, China, Taiwan and Turkey using the latest technology and experienced personnel. It has been started journey from 1st September 2000 & it produces world class all knit fabrics and knit garments. It has three production unit named, Metro Knitting & Dyeing Mills Ltd. & Beacon Knitwear Ltd. (Unit-01, situated in Fatullah, Narayanganj, Dhaka), Metro Knitting & Dyeing Mills Ltd. -02 (Unit-02, situated in Ashulia, Dhaka) & Beacon knitwear Ltd.-02 (Unit-03, situated in Salna, Gazipur). Panam group has own two textile units. Metro Knitting & Dyeing Mills Ltd. & Beacon Knitwear Ltd. -Textile (Narayanganj) & Scandex Industries Ltd. (Gazipur). There is a separate unit called Mercer Design Tex Ltd. for screen printing. Panam Group has its own Design team to innovate, design, create brand name, communicate with buyer & let them choose between alternatives.
1.1 Type of products:
All kinds of knit items including following:
- ü T-Shirt
- ü Shorts
- ü Jacket
- ü Hoodies
- ü Fleece Jacket
- ü Dress & Skirts
- ü Blouse
- ü Infant /Toddler
- ü Knit Shirt
- ü Organic Apparels
- ü Modal Products
- ü Viscose Garments
- ü Grey& Finished Knit Fabric
1.2 What are you well-known for?
Panam Group is prominent for its wide variety of in-house fabric, creative self-designed product, creative product with desired quality, Proper strategic & tactical planning, Industrial Engineering based product costing & production process, technological improvement and ultimate customer satisfaction.
1.3 What do you pride yourselves on?
Panam group has pride over its commitment, no comprise in quality & overall customer satisfaction.
1.4 Who are your main customers?
Some of Our Key Customers Include:
- H&M
- GU
- Next Sourcing
- Varner
- Ostin
- Tom Tailor
- Promodoro
- Calzedonia
- Mango
- S’ Oliver
- Lerros
1.5 Size of the company
- Number of employees: 20,000
- Total number of units: 5 (3 Garments Production Units)
- Garments Sewing Line: 145
- Garments Production: 5 M Pcs/Month
- Knitting Capacity: 1760 Ton/Month
- Dyeing Capacity: 2118 Ton/Month
- Narrow fabric capacity: 1.5 M yards/Month
- Garments dye capacity: 0.2 M PCs/Month
- Allover printing capacity: 135 Ton/Month
- Screen printing capacity: 3 M PCs/Month
- Embroidery capacity (Logo): 1 M PCs/Month
- Embroidery capacity (Applique): 0.4 M PCs/Month
2. Background Information:
“It is an honor and a source of great pleasure to be able to introduce our company to you. Our country Bangladesh has a global reputation of being a reliable supply base of knit garments. Our goal is to remain a responsible apparels producer through adherence to internationally established codes of social accountability and ethical business practices. We have made great stride to know our product intimately and we guarantee its merchandise ability all the way into the hands of the final consumer at the retail outlet.
Our reputation and experience gained over the years in knit composite put us in a competitive advantage over others. We have achieved the stringent requirements of international buyers on quality, competitive pricing and delivery on time” speech of managing director of Metro knitting. Panam has its immense focus on corporate social responsibilities & environmental factors as well.
2.1 What specific market changes and business pains or difficulties caused you to look for a solution like Fastreact? (Examples from actual customer quotes provided below)
Bangladesh has low manufacturing costs but garment prices are decreasing day by day. To face the open trade policy, we feel it is high time to increase the efficiency of production to survive. In order to do this, perfect production planning and time and action plan is required.
As with all apparel and Textile businesses with many challenges, (stiff competition, reduced lead times and a business growing in size and complexity), we knew that effective planning was essential and when we were introduced to Fastreact via recommendation from one of our valuable customers, we were delighted that it met all our expectations.
2.1 What are/were the challenges of the current business process (Pre-FR)
One area that had previously been a headache for us was the coordination among marketing, planning and production – numerous meetings were needed to accurately quote delivery dates for customer inquiries. Most common problems were summarizing all necessary data to make a plan. Previously it was very difficult for us to arrange several meetings with several departments. As we are using Fast react all the concerns departments are updating required events and Top Managements are easily getting all the data for guiding and controlling the mid-level and 1st level people.
2.2 Why is/was it a struggle?
To be more competitive in this challenging industry you need to focus on wastage and cutting losses. One of our main problems is properly planning of our production lines; visibility in the planning process is lacking. We are hoping Fastreact will enable us to do better production planning and forecasting. Secondly the software will allow us to monitor and improve the production flow, thus it reduces loss due to non-productive time. Earlier our managements and planners were in a big trouble to control ongoing and upcoming events because of limitations of using manual data analysis and plans. We have more than 150 production lines. So, it was needed to feeding and controlling all the lines at a time. To do so it was needed to receive real time data. By using Fast React now we can easily monitor our daily activities.
2.3 What is/was it stopping you from achieving?
The tremendous growth that is being experienced by this sector for the need of standardization of our production processes and effective planning is the vital process if we are to deliver our products on time to our customers. The factor was ‘poor time management’ which stooped us to achieve our goal. But now we can collect and summarize all the desired data for making any plan as well as control that to achieve our goal by optimizing our resources.
2.4 How did it impact you?
The impact of Fast React in our professional life is very handy. By using this wonderful business software, we can manage our daily tasks within very short time. So, we have now much time to communicate with other peoples whom are directly and indirectly working for achieving our goal to meet on time delivery. Moreover, the person who experienced at Fast React stands ahead than the others in their job sector.
Evolve is proven to:
Before starting Fastreact software, it has been a difficult and time-consuming job for us to make a production plan for even 50 production lines, with Fastreact, they help us make planning for over a 100 production lines a simple job. And there is lots more additional benefit that we are exploring.
This shift to an extended supply chain has brought its own problems, with lack of visibility being a key problem. Having shifted much of our production overseas, the availability of the key information to make the correct planning decisions is absolutely vital for this industry. What we needed was a tool that would improve visibility, flexibility and responsiveness, support the decision-making process and enable us to generate achievable plans.
Other examples include: unable to cope with buyers’ lead time reduction, higher labor costs, more fragmented orders, expansion, other solutions simply not working, air freights, need for productivity improvement, better coordination.
2.5 Why did you select Fast React and how do you see it helping to overcome your challenges?
Fast React is the leading production planning tool in the world market. It takes in detailed information and creates an easy to manage visible planning scenario. In our industry, it’s certainly the most trustworthy one. So, we wanted to go with someone who has the expertise and depth of knowledge in the fashion industry.
Fast React drives significant additional complexity and cost to add to the challenges of rising labor costs and typically static prices. The adoption of best practice processes and digitization of production planning and control (PPC) is critical to responding quickly and efficiently to these challenges. Fast React drives significant additional complexity and cost to add to the challenges of rising labor costs and typically static prices. The adoption of best practice processes and digitization of production planning and control (PPC) is critical to responding quickly and efficiently to these challenges.
2.6 What other systems do you also have and how will Fastreact fit in with these?
We use Logic ERP solution and this interfacing all kind of Data with Fast React & also help real time data gathering for Fast react planning.
3. Benefits:
3.1 What are the main operational benefits you see from using Fastreact? (Mention any specific areas of improvement through use of Fast react)
- Reduced Time & Financial Expense: With Fast Reacts solutions, we can save on overhead costs as well as on precious time. We can also be more efficient in meeting customer demands especially deadlines by improving coordination between people involved in different workflow stages.
- Issue Highlights: At times, issues arise that negatively affect work processes. To mitigate their effects, a prompt response is needed. That is where Fast React comes in the solution immediately highlights problems like overdue deliveries to focus your attention on it.
- Efficient Planning: Fast React provides tools for ensuring we are well equipped with required materials. Therefore, we can maximize factory productivity and deliver products on time.
- ü Improved supply chain collaboration
- ü Faster, more accurate order confirmation process
- ü Optimized delivery performance and production efficiency with realistic commitments and a smoother production flow
- ü Improved material control with requirements dynamically driven to meet latest plan
- ü Reduced lead time and inventory with planning based on a LEAN pull system
- ü Increased management efficiency with automated planning and reporting
4. Future Plans:
4.1 What future plans do you have for Fastreact? How do you see the system use developing and helping in the future?
Our future plan is to ensure total implementation of this software (Fast React) in the all corner of our management to ensure 100% on time delivery. This system developing and helping us to be up-to-dated in our daily tasks.
5. Ease of Use of FastReact Planning Software
5.1 How easy did the Fastreact product prove to be to install and use, relative to your experience of other software solutions?
Fastreact is user friendly & very easy to install when compared to other software. Our planning department picked it up very quickly but of course to get the most from the system all the production and merchandising departments need to get acquainted with it. Frequent visits from Fastreact personnel have helped us a lot by giving us ongoing practical advice and project guidance.
5.2 How long did FastReact Planning Software take before the system was operational and in regular use? How did your staff adapt to using the system?
The implementation period was 3 months. After 6 months the team were using FastReact effectively and benefits were showing very clearly in many areas of our business performance.
5.3 How helpful and knowledgeable were the FR implementation team? Any positive comments you would like to make regarding them and our project approach?
- Fast React makes the overall planning & supply chain simple, faster and more efficient.
- Increased staff productivity with integrated smart workflow and management by exception.
- Reduced sampling cost and lead time.
- Improved control of costings and margins.
- Increase more visibility of an order details.
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- Production Planning and Control in the Apparel Industry
- Application of Logic ERP Software in the Apparel Industry.
- List of Production Planning Software for Garments Manufacturing.