Management Trainee Officer (MTO)
MTO meaning in garments is Management traine officer. trainee officer, MTO is a short form, An MTO job is a mostly on-job training program that gives an employee having a job with training, generally, an employee works as an MTO for 6-12 months and in some cases up to 2 years. MTO job makes employees well prepared for taking on bigger challenges and opportunities. Management trainee officer is to undergo training to make employee able to a management position with necessary proven skill and ability. MTO job gives an employee a good opportunity to prove himself for a higher position.
What is MTO in the Apparel industry?
MTOs have to work in the various sections of the production floor like cutting, sewing, finishing, quality assurance, HR, and other sections. MTO job responsibility depends on which department the employee is hired for. Management trainee officers can be hired for HR- Administration, Finance, production, Merchandising, industrial engineering (IE), and other departments.
MTO in Merchandising
In the initial stage, a management trainee officer does primary tasks of merchandising like consumption, costing, trim card making, and packing list coordination. Management trainee officer has many things to learn in merchandising, become responsible for a complete profile of a buyer make complete merchandiser.
Job Responsibilities of Management Trainee Officer (MTO):
- Participating in respective departmental meetings and other tasks.
- Learning about company culture, policies, processes, and protocols.
- In Merchandising, MTO is responsible for trim cards, packing lists, following up, and calculating consumption.
- Taking lead on all workmen and staff and guiding themselves for their improvement.
- Fulfilling departmental requirements and working for meeting goals set out by top management.
- Directly engage with all operational activities.
- Helping subordinates in planning and distributing the routine work as required.
- Preparing all necessary documents and updating records
- For the IE department, Plan and work for production and process re-engineering to update the product and quality as well as minimize the cost accordingly.

Requirements for Management Trainee Officer (MTO) Job:
- Bachelor degree in related/ similar field (Textile, IPE, HR, Finance)
- Comprehensive knowledge of Advance Microsoft Office, especially Microsoft Excel.
- Excellent math, computational and quick decision-making ability.
- Effective communication skills
- Job Nature: Full time
- Employee type: Mid-level Management
- Possess excellent communication and presentation skills, time management, leadership & organizing capability.
- Experienced in managing events and day-long festivals.
- Proficient in both English and local language communication, reading, and writing.
- Salary: Varies factory to factory.