
Functions Supply Chain Department in Apparel Industry

Functions Supply Chain Department in the Apparel Industry The supply chain department focus especially in procurement (Supplier selection, price quotation, auction and negotiation, contract management, shipment, and payment monitoring) in the Garments Industry. They are leveraging continuous supplier development and vendor management by win-win strategy Cost Analysis of existing vs new suppliers and making successful[…]

How to Maintain Time and Action Plan (TNA) in Apparel Industry

How to Maintain Time and Action Plan (TNA) in Apparel Industry A Time and Action Plan (TNA) is crucial for smooth operations in the apparel industry. It ensures orders are delivered on time and helps manage the entire production process effectively. This is a very useful and ultimate tool for the apparel merchandiser. In this[…]

What is GPT, FPT, GCR, Formaldehyde Test in Garments Industry

What is GPT, FPT, GCR, and Formaldehyde Tests in the Garments Industry GPT, FPT, GCR, and Formaldehyde Tests are very common garment testing terms in the garment & textile sector. Basically, the GPT word is mostly used in the garments industry & FPT term mostly used in the textile industry. We know that the garments[…]

Responsibilities of Merchandising Manager in Garments Industry

Responsibilities of Merchandising Manager and General Manager (GM) in Garments Industry A merchandising manager or GM is the leader of the merchandising team in the Garments Industry. He Leads the whole team, coordinates with the buying house, and keeps all updates on his desk in the Garments Industry. Top management relies on him for overall[…]

What is Merchandising and Garments Merchandising?

The act of marketing, processing, and selling goods to customers is known as merchandising. It uses a variety of tactics, including negotiation, price fixation, advertising, promotion, order confirmation, and product display, to draw clients and increase sales. The idea includes every step of the process, from product selection to shelf stocking, visual displays, inventory management,[…]

Garments Costing Factors In the Apparel Industry: Detail Guideline

Garments Costing Factors In the Apparel Industry: Detail Guideline Costing is a very important & crucial part of the garments sector. A smart merchandiser thinks about how to save money & maximize profit for a company. He should think of many important factors for garment costing because he is a proactive person for profit earning.[…]

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