Establish a procedure for controlling and disposing of nonconforming (rejections) products and materials to prevent unintentional use or shipment. This procedure applies to all nonconforming (rejections) products and materials detected within the Garments industry. that were obtained from the supplier. This procedure applies to all employees. This article is about the Non-Conforming Products Handling SOP of the Garments Industry.
Categorize its non-conforming (rejections) product into two classes: nonconforming (rejections) raw materials. Nonconforming (rejections) finished product. We covered both the categories on the Non-Conforming Products Handling SOP of Garments Industry:

Non-Conforming Products Handling SOP of Garments Industry
Non-conforming (rejections) raw materials:
- If the raw materials (fabric or accessories) are non-conformed (rejections) during raw material (fabric or accessories) inspection, either regular 10% or next 10% or remaining 80% inspections, it should be kept in a separate place with the tag of “Rejected Goods Area” in the inspection room. The Quality manager (QA)/General Manager (QA) should be informed first. Concerned merchandisers should also be informed and provided with the inspection report copy, defect swatch board, and digital image of that non-conformed (Rejections) materials.
- The merchandiser should send the concerned inspection report of the non-conformed (rejected) raw materials to the supplier.
- If the supplier wants, the nonconforming (Rejections) raw materials can be investigated by them physically, or otherwise, the merchandiser should send the related inspection report and defect card along with the digital image of the non-conformed (Rejections) raw materials to the supplier.
- After getting the acceptance of the nonconforming (Rejections) raw materials from the supplier side, fabric should be sent to the warehouse and kept in the quarantined Rejected Fabric Area with proper record, and rejected accessories are to be deposited in “Rejected Accessories Box” with proper record.
- Suppliers should replace the non-conformed (rejected) raw materials. Hence if the supplier asks to take back the non-conformed (Rejections) raw materials, it should be returned to them on the transport cost of supplier and if they don’t ask, within every three months, deposited rejected accessories from “Rejected Accessories Box” should be destroyed with record and evidence of digital image and the fabric should be removed from current stock by sending them to rejected stock.
- Instead of the rejected raw material, the newly incoming raw materials, which will be in-housed again as a replacement, should also go through the same inspection procedures as mentioned above.
- If the raw materials (fabric) are non-conformed (rejected) during cutting quality control or 100% cut panel inspection, it should be kept in a separate place with the tag of “Rejected Goods Area” into the cutting area. The manager (cutting) and manager/general manager (QA) should be informed immediately. The rejected PCs should be replaced with a new panel, and it should be recorded in the Cut Panel Replacement Report with the consumption of the fabric. At the end of the style, along with the fabri, is the Reconciliation Report for that style. These rejected goods is to be handed over to the store and kept in the quarantined Rejected Cut Panel Area. Later, these rejected panels should be removed from the current stock by maintaining the record.
Non-conforming (rejections) finished product:
- If goods are non-conformed (rejected) during any phase of inspection in the sewing or finishing process, the Manager (QA) and General Manager (QA) should be informed as a first step.
- The General Manager (QA) should re-inspect the product, and if the product is re-ensured as nonconforming (rejections) product by him/her, it should be attached with a rejection Red Tag. The Red Tag must be sealed and signed by the General Manager (QA), mentioning the reason for rejection.
- After attaching the red tag, it should be sent to the store and kept in the lockable quarantined Rejected Goods Area. By this time, it must be recorded in the Daily Rejection Details report.
- The reason for rejection should be discussed during the following daily meeting for corrective and preventive action.
- After export, the related order buyer should be provided with the Rejection Details of the style (quantity and reason for rejection should be mentioned) with the digital image. We are asking from the buyer whether they can accept the second quality of these goods either by the original label or otherwise a separate label.
- If only the buyer accepts, we will re-export the rejected goods with an original label or with a separate label as second-level quality products.
- If the buyer is not accepted, the rejected goods should be stored in a quarantined “Rejected Goods Area” for six months, and after that, as per company regulation, it should be sold in the local market as left-over garments, removing all the brand labels and signs carefully.
- The removed brand label, if it be in reusable condition, it should be taken back in the current stock, and if it is not in reusable condition, it should be stored and destroyed as mentioned above in the rejected accessories storing and destroying procedures.
Note: If any type of non-conformed (rejected) product is found during raw material inspections or at the finished product stage, the concerned customer should be notified by email through the merchandiser as a practice.
Non-Conforming Products Handling SOP of Garments Industry is a systematic process to control reject goods.