Chemical Properties of Cotton Fiber

10 Chemical Properties of Cotton Fiber Cotton is the most commonly used and available natural textile fiber in the world. It is a natural vegetable fiber produced naturally in the cotton plant. It is the most important of the raw materials for the textile industry. It is easily dyeable also. As cotton is a very useful textile[…]

Different Types of Wool Fabric with Names and Pictures

Different Types of Wool Fabric with Names and Pictures Wool fiber is the natural hair growth of certain animals and is composed of protein. The quality of wool fiber is determined by the health of sheep, the breeding, climate, food, and general care. A hardier and heavier wool fiber is produced in cold weather. Excessive[…]

14 Different Types of Jackets for Men

14 Different Types of Jackets for Men A jacket is a kind of garment that is lightweight in nature or a type of cropped coat. It is found that many of the jackets usually end at your waist or hips area, while coats can be much longer. So, basically, a jacket has majorly two functions.[…]

Factors Considered for Ply Height Determination in Fabric Spreading

Factors Considered for Ply Height Determination in Fabric Spreading Before Cutting in the Garments Industry Fabric Spreading: The process of unwinding large rolls of fabric onto long, wide tables in preparation for cutting each piece of garment is called fabric spreading. It is a preparatory operation for cutting and consists of laying plies of cloth one[…]

What are the 5 Basic Functions of Clothing?

What are the 5 Basic Functions of Clothing? Clothing is one of the three basic needs of human beings. Cloth is used for covering human and other bodies to fulfill or satisfy the requirements of those bodies with the objects of protection, decoration, and identification. Clothing or clothes protect the human body from extreme weather and[…]

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