Application of AI in Textile and Apparel Industry

Application of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in the Textile and Apparel Industry Introduction In today’s scenario, it is a proven fact that textile manufacturing and apparel is a major industry. It is simply based on the conversion of fiber into yarn, yarn into fabric, and then fabric to apparel that is into fashion. Nowadays, the scope[…]

Application of Logic ERP Software in Apparel Industry

Logic Software Limited is the country’s leading and largest ERP software company in the world of software used in the textile and garment industry. Over a long decade, the company has consistently been 100% confident in the service, reaching a unique height. With the help of logic software, Bangladesh’s garment sector is leading the world[…]

E-commerce in Fashion Industry: Importance, Trends, Challenges

E-commerce in Fashion Industry: Importance, Trends, Facts, Challenges and Opportunities Introduction We all love online shopping, and why not when you get your favorite clothes with just one click? As I am writing now, E-commerce has already entered in Fashion industry. And it’s everywhere in the world, and this entry is very successful, working for[…]

Fashion Forecasting: Types, Steps, Importances, How to Do It

Fashion Forecasting: Types of Fashion Forecasting, Importances, Steps, How to Do It and Fashion Forecasting 2023 Have you ever predicted what will come next as fashion style? Well, if you do that then you are forecasting the fashion. Fashion sums up with colour, fabric, design,  detailing and many more. When we predict what would be[…]

Terry Cloth Fabric: Types, Advantages, Application

Terry fabrics have uncut piles on one or both sides like velvet fabrics. It is a fabric that has the ability to absorb large amounts of water. As terry fabric is soft and comfortable, this fabric is used in soft cloth items such as towels, diapers, etc. Terry fabric knitting or weaving can be made[…]

How to do Pest Control in the Garments Industry

The purpose of this procedure is to control the pest inside the whole organization. This procedure is applicable to the organization’s premises and boundaries. 90% of Pest control depends on preventing the pest rather than cure i.e. killing them by using pesticides or different medicine. So, the principle of pest control is not to let[…]

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