Management Trainee Officer (MTO) in Apparel industry

Management Trainee Officer (MTO) MTO meaning in garments is Management traine officer. trainee officer, MTO is a short form, An MTO job is a mostly on-job training program that gives an employee having a job with training, generally, an employee works as an MTO for 6-12 months and in some cases up to 2 years.[…]

Management information systems (MIS) in Apparel industry

Quality output definitely got a fantastic communication channel among and between leaders. It’s not a mere perception because productivity and organizations are both romantic phenomena at a time. The reality of globalization will never bring depression from being a good channel of the workplace system with the MIS. Management Information systems (MIS) map out the[…]

Functions of Production Planning and Control (PPC) department in Apparel Industry

Production Planning and Control (PPC) department What are the most important departments in the apparel industry, if this question is asked anywhere, the production planning and control department will always include the answer everywhere. The main objective of this department is to plan for on-time material availability, cut, sew, make finish products, and give on-time[…]

Functions of Production Planning and Control (PPC) department in Textile Industry

Production Planning in Textile industry Not only in the apparel industry, but planning is also necessary for any textile industry like dyeing, printing, and fabric manufacturing. A planning department is responsible for the capacity study, planning, execution, and on-time delivery. The production planning and control department has to play an important role in the dyeing[…]

QC file in Garments industry

What is the QC file in the garments industry? QC file is the combination of QC needed items like trim card, spec sheet/ tech pack, and PO sheet. QC file is something that is needed for the quality and production department, especially for the quality department to verify all quality parameters ensured in all stages[…]

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