
Case Study on FastReact Planning Software Application in Apparel Industry

Case Study on FastReact Planning Software Application in the Apparel Industry FastReact is a popular Planning and control software for Textile and Apparel, used widely all over the world. Garment manufacturers use this application to reduce complexity and smooth the supply chain process. FastReact software has been introduced in ‘Panam Group’, I did a case[…]

Job Responsibilities for Production Planner in Apparel Industry

Job Responsibilities for Production Planner in the Apparel Industry Planning is the first process to implement and coordinate overall operations activities and supply chain processes smoothly. In the apparel industry, we need a production planner to handle all planning activities. Planning can be done by planning software or Microsoft Excel easily. In this article, we[…]

List of Production Planning Software for Garments Manufacturing

Planning is the key to the Apparel manufacturing process to deliver goods at the right time for the customer. The planning is proper and on-time work execution of different departments in the Garments industry. To control, calculate and keep data from all sections, planning software can do the best things accurately. Here I present the[…]

Production Planning and Control in Apparel Industry

Production planning is the controlling part of any manufacturing process to schedule, execute the tasks scheduled, and deliver the demanded quantities in a timely manner. This is the heart of any manufacturing unit to have a snap of every activity needed to secure the merchandise. It acts as the center that gathers all the information[…]

PPC Department in Textile Industry

PPC Department The production planning and control (PPC) department is one of the most important parts of the Textile and apparel industry. We get orders from the buyer with an estimated delivery date, so the production allocation and optimum capacity utilization are necessary here, here is the role of the planning department. This department first[…]

Functions of Production Planning and Control (PPC) department in Apparel Industry

Production Planning and Control (PPC) department What are the most important departments in the apparel industry, if this question is asked anywhere, the production planning and control department will always include the answer everywhere. The main objective of this department is to plan for on-time material availability, cut, sew, make finish products, and give on-time[…]

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