PPC Department in Textile Industry

PPC Department

The production planning and control (PPC) department is one of the most important parts of the Textile and apparel industry. We get orders from the buyer with an estimated delivery date, so the production allocation and optimum capacity utilization are necessary here, here is the role of the planning department. This department first works on factory capacity calculations before receiving orders. After that, they collect raw materials like fabric, trims, and accessories from the merchandiser; size and PP meeting planning; cutting marker setup; a number of sewing lines allocated; and also, bulk cutting and production date set up based on the order receiving date to shipment date. The best thing about the production planning and control department not only having a control execution from every aspect like merchandising, production, and QC. So that they will be on-time shipment to the buyer’s requirements. So, the planning department flow chart is:

Factory capacity study→Input execution plan making →Receving fabric plan from PMC→ Receiving tag sample plan from merchandiser→ Size set plan making →PP meeting plan →Upadte planning in software(MS Excel, planning software) Adjust plan considering current situation →Complete on time → On-time shipment.

Responsibilities of the PPC Department in the Textile industry

  • Prepare & Monitor Cutting, Sewing, Point, Embroidery plans, and other production plans as required.
  • Closely worked with IE & Merchant team to know material and production status and update the planning accordingly.
  • Plan and follow up based on shipment date and PO-wise requirement
  • Buyer-wise order follow-up from raw materials to finished garments.
  • Coordination with every department to meet sewing input on time.
  • Prepare a requirements plan for accessories and follow up accordingly.
  • Any in-process problems are solved with immediate discussion and decision.
  • Deal with all the departments and support accordingly.
  • Daily meeting with cutting, sewing, and finishing production manager with production report, and set a target from them to meet the on-time delivery date.
  • Daily production update to buying house merchandiser or production responsible.
  • Closely monitor PO closing, final packing list submission, and make a schedule for the final inspection.
  • Taking care of everything for on-time production and delivery, taking action accordingly as required.

Career in the Planning Department

The most flexible job in textile and apparel is in the planning department, anybody would love to work. PPC is a department, so here working and growth opportunities are high. A fresher can join as a junior officer/ executive and shall be a planning manager or general manager.

PPC Department in Textile Industry

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