
Sewing Defect with Root Causes and Corrective Actions

Sewing Defect We call sewing defects that produce in the sewing section. A defect is a barrier to quality, so we all want to reduce defects. To reduce defects, we need to know the root causes and corrective actions need to be taken. Here we have collected the most common defects always created in sewing.[…]

Shade control Procedure of Woven Garments

Shade Control in Garments Shade control is an important thing, shade is a big factor for garments and clothing. There is some system and procedure that will make sure proper shade control in garments product. Shade Control Procedure of Woven garments 1. Try 100% roll of order quantity in-house at a time by the merchant[…]

Technical Audit Checklist of Garments Industry

Technical Audit Technical Audit is a process of auditing the production process, quality control, calibration, testing, procedures, and SOP implementation; overalled full manufacturing system’s technical examination and verifying process. And Technical audit is done by the customer or 3rd party based on a quality management system (QMS) like ISO or own QMS guideline line of[…]

Different types of fabric Defects with pictures

Fabric Defect There are many fabric defects generated in the weaving and knitting process and yarn has some defects as well that directly affect fabric quality. As fabrics are the main part of textile and apparel, knowing fabric defects or faults is important. Fabric is used directly in apparel and fashion, controlling fabrics is the[…]

AQL Chart: AQL inspection in Garments Industry

What is AQL? AQL is an Acceptable quality level, a statistical quality control tool, a sampling method, and a technique used all over the world and used for batch/lot wise quality inspection as an alternative to 100% quality control inspection. AQL chart defines the details information about sampling, how many to be inspected, how many[…]

Use of Check Sheet in Garments Quality control

Check Sheet Quality tools are very important for quality control. There are many tools available, and 7 QC tools are very vital. A check sheet is a paper tool, used for data collection, it is a useful data-determined hearing that can be counted using tarry marks on the check sheet used as a QC to[…]

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