Size Set Sampling SOP/ Procedure in Garments Industry

To ensure accurate and standardized size set processes for woven bottom outerwear, maintaining quality and efficiency as per international standards. This SOP applies to all departments involved in the size set process, including Merchandising, Production, Quality, IE (Industrial Engineering), Cutting, and GPQ (Garment Product Quality) teams. This article is about the Size Set Sampling SOP/ Procedure in the Garments Industry.

Size Set Sampling SOP Procedure in Garments Industry

A detailed Size Set Sampling SOP/ Procedure in the Garments Industry

Responsibilities fo team

  • Merchandising Team: Provides size set details, trims, and fabric to the production team.
  • Cutting Department: Ensures correct fabric cutting and quality checks for each size.
  • Sewing Line Supervisor: Allocates machines and operators based on Standard Minute Value (SMV).
  • IE Department: Defines the SMV and machine setup for optimized efficiency.
  • Quality Assurance Team: Conducts inspections at various stages to ensure compliance and standards are met.
  • GPQ Team: Verifies quality and wash standards (if applicable) before final approval.

Size Set Process Flow & Time Frame

StepProcessResponsibleTime Frame
1Receive tech pack & size specsMerchandisingDay 1
2Prepare markers & cut panelsCutting Dept.Day 2-3
3Issue cut panels for size set stitchingCutting Dept.Day 4
4Machine setup & line balancingIE Dept.Day 5
5Conduct trial stitching for all sizesSewing LineDay 6-7
6Inline inspection of stitched samplesQA TeamDay 7
7Final checking & approvalQA & Production ManagerDay 8
8Customer approval (if required)Buyer/Technical TeamDay 9-10
9Bulk production approval & handoverProduction TeamDay 11

Size Set Process Details in the Garments Industry

1. Complete File Handover

  • The complete file must be handed over to the quality team before starting the size set process.
  • Any incomplete areas (e.g., missing spec sheet updates, pending PP comments, incomplete trims card) will be resolved in the PP meeting with Planning Team support.
  • Two master trim cards will be provided by Merchandising with confirmation signatures – one for the store and one for GPQ.
  • GPQ will check the master trims card, and the Store Quality team will prepare three additional trims cards for approval.
  • Lead time for GPQ trims card checking: 1-1.5 hours.

2. Method Finalization Meeting

  • Based on the size set plan email, the Cutting Department will receive the fabric from the store.
  • If relaxation is required, it will be discussed with the Quality team before proceeding.
  • IE will organize a method finalization meeting with representatives from the Sample, Cutting, Quality, Maintenance, and Technical teams.
  • The meeting will finalize cut marks, drill marks, markers, folders, and methods with confirmation signatures from relevant departments.
  • Lead time for the meeting: 1.5 hours.

3. Size Set Cutting & Checking Lead Time

  • Two extra pieces will be cut to create do-ability samples (one for the Line Chief and one for the Technician).
  • Cutting QC will check the cut panel and prepare a Cut Component Report.
  • The size set will be handed over to the pilot section within 40 minutes, with a signed component report.
  • If any measurement discrepancy is found (beyond 2-3 mm), the Quality and Technical teams will be informed.

4. Size Set Method Check (Costed vs Actual)

  • Before starting size set-making, the Costing team will provide an Operation Analysis Report.
  • The responsible person will ensure alignment between costed and actual methods.
  • Any discrepancies will be confirmed by the Costing team, which will finalize the Operation Sequence, Methods, and SMV.

5. Size Set Sewing Lead Time

  • Pre-wash spec measurements will be supplied by CAD and grading details by Quality.
  • Lead time for size set sewing based on SMV:
SMVLead Time
1-127 hours
13-2512 hours
26+15 hours

6. Size Set Wash (If Applicable)

  • Most products are non-wash; for garments requiring wash, GPQ will provide wash standards.
  • If wash is required, the lead time will be as follows:
  • Two leg panels, along with shrinkage mat and marking mat, must be sent to the wash project with the size set.
Wash TypeLead Time
Garments Wash12 Hours
Denim Wash36 Hours
Acid Wash & Over Dye48 Hours

7. Size Set Wash Receive & Cutting Approval

  • The Quality team will receive the washed size set and check measurements within 2.5 hours.
  • Based on the measurement report, the Quality team will determine if corrections are needed before bulk cutting approval (lead time: 60 minutes).
  • The correction report will specify if the size set is “OK for Pack” or “Not OK for Pack.”
  • If corrections are required, the marker-making lead time will be 3 hours; if no corrections, it will be 30 minutes.

8. Size Set Handover & 2nd Size Set Approval (If Needed)

  • The pilot section will hand over the size set to GPQ for the PP Meeting.
  • After the PP Meeting, GPQ will return the size set to the pilot section.
  • Finally, the pilot section will hand over the size set to the MIS section.
  • If the first size set is rejected and a second size set is required, approval must be taken from the Factory Head, and the responsible party must obtain a sign-off.

Quality Control Measures

    • First-piece approval before proceeding with full-size sets.
    • Inline inspections at critical stages to ensure compliance.
    • Final inspection of the complete size set before bulk production approval.

    Compliance with International Standards

    • Maintain proper documentation for size set approvals.
    • Follow buyer requirements and AQL (Acceptable Quality Limit) standards.
    • Adhere to safety and ergonomic guidelines for operator efficiency.

    Documentation & Record-Keeping

    • Size Set Reports with approval status.
    • Machine setup and SAM analysis records.
    • Quality inspection reports at different process stages.


    This Size Set Sampling SOP/ Procedure in the Garments Industry ensures a structured, standardized, and efficient size set process, improving productivity and maintaining high-quality standards in woven bottom outerwear production.

    Size Set Sampling SOP/ Procedure in Garments Industry

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