
Introduction of Dyeing and Dyes and their Properties

Dyeing is a coloration process in the textile industry using dyes solution. After dyeing, dye molecules have an uncut chemical bond with fiber molecules. Recipe, Temperature, and time control are the key factors in dyeing. Here we are discussing on Introduction of Dyeing and Dyes and their Properties. The term simply means in Textiles “Coloration of[…]

Chemistry of Bleaching Process in Textile Industry

Bleaching Process Bleaching is an important process of wet processes in the textile industry. It is a pretreatment process of dyeing and printing which removes natural color from the fabric to get a bright white fabric. Bleaching is a process used in textile production to whiten fabrics. The bleaching process is done chemically in dyeing[…]

What is Natural Dye/ Dyes?

Natural dyes are biodegradable, non-toxic, and non-allergenic It has a wide variety of health benefits and it has been mentioned in VEDAs as well. These dyes are easily decomposed in nature after use and they do not pollute the environment while destroying them after end use. In the present situation, sustainability and eco-friendly a big[…]

Fabric Sourcing Factors for Apparel Business

What is sourcing? In one word sourcing means to source something, but sourcing is a term in the supply chain process. Understanding a company’s business for a material or product, Sourcing the right material selection from the right vendor, and buying goods from that specific vendor. So, Sourcing is a procurement Process and supplier management[…]

What is Knitting | Types of (Knitted) Knit Fabrics

You may already know about the size and type of Fabrics. Fabric manufacturing is generally done in 2 different ways. The fabric made by one method is called woven fabric and the fabric made by another method is called knitted fabric. To make knitted fabric, interlocking of a series of loops made from one or[…]

Moisture Regain and Moisture Content of Different Textile Fibers

Textile fiber and its properties are the key factors for textile processing. Moisture Regain and Moisture Content are important parameters for textile fiber, and directly affect physical properties. Moisture content is the rate of water in textile fiber, and regain is the moisture collecting % after drying. Here I present Moisture Regain, Moisture Content, their[…]

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